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Remote Caregiver Systems: Peace of Mind

Spencer Garrett

When people ask what we do in the Wellness Technology Division, the answer is both simple and complex. Simple, because our core mission is to assist people who can benefit from a little extra help so they can live their best life at home, while at the same time providing additional peace of mind to the family and others supporting them. Complex, because of the amount of technology available and the different ways it can be implemented to accomplish this mission. However, the answer is always focused on Remote Caregiver Systems, which we often refer to as RCS. These systems utilize secure, proven components and are custom designed to meet the needs of the individual and their caregivers. There are several types of devices we use to accomplish this:

  1. Smart Sensors: These include fall detection pendants, occupancy sensors, motion detectors, open and close sensors, and more. These can detect events in the home and generate push notifications to family members when a significant event occurs. Potential falls, not being out of bed by a specified time, unexpected activity in a stairwell, refrigerator or medicine cabinet being accessed, or a door opens unexpectedly in the middle of the night would all be examples of events detectable by these devices.

  2. Home Automation: This category is made up of items such as automated locks, lights, and thermostats. These can give a safe way to lock and unlock doors without having to get up or walk around the home, turn on a hall light when the resident gets out of bed, or to better manage energy costs in the home.

  3. Video: Here you’ll find video doorbells, Wellcams as well as indoor and outdoor cameras. These HD cameras can allow a resident to see who is at the door and speak with them without having to get up from their chair or bed, allow family to check in to see that things are ok and, with the help of two-way audio, have a conversation with the resident. In the event of elopement, these cameras can provide vital information in knowing where to start looking for them.

  4. Community-based devices: This is a relatively new category, which as of now consists of Connected Car, a new offering to CMAG Health customers. This device connects to the diagnostic port on a car and transmits information about unexpected movement, alerts you to trouble codes (such as the check engine light), as well as allows caregivers to access the car’s location in the event of an emergency. Stay tuned for additions to this category, particularly a cellular-based fall detection pendant, which is expected in the first half of 2022!

All of these devices connect via either a control panel, with a direct connection to cell towers (NOT your cell phone), or 256 bit encrypted WiFi to the Wellness Platform which, in addition to providing real-time notifications of critical events, also builds patterns of activity in the home over time and can alert family members when those patterns change. In addition, these systems are expandable, so as a person's needs change, the system can be modified to address them.

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