Many businesses and organizations are still adjusting to hybrid working conditions within their offices and when meeting with business partners and clients. How do managers and supervisors sustain committed and engaged employees? What happens when your employees are distracted, checked out, or still searching for a corner to work in their homes?
We’ve named this evolution The Virtual Culture Dilemma—and it’s shifting how we relate, communicate, and collaborate.
Employee engagement is not an event or activity. It is a mindset. A commitment of leadership to serve above a transactional level; therefore, modeling the organization’s core beliefs in how leaders operate.
How do you get there? Keep it simple.
Lead Strategically
Encourage Communication
Monitor What is Important and Evaluate Outcomes
Acknowledge Creativity
Reward What You Require
Provide and Support Continual Learning
The attached book offers a new perspective on creating an engaged, collaborative, and adaptive virtual culture that drives results.